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Purchasing Produce

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Purchasing Produce: About Me

The Butcher Box

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The Butcher Box delivers the highest standard of quality meat right to your door. They have a variety of cuts and styles of beef, chicken, turkey, fish, and bison. However, I would suggest not order pork or halibut products. You can trust this source and save on quality. 

Store the frozen meat produce in the freezer. When thawing in the refrigerator, put the packages in two zip lock bags. They tend to leak often, and the zip lock bags will save you so much time cleaning out your refrigerator. 

Pasture-Raised and Free Range Chicken Eggs

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Chickens are Omnivores, so if you read a label that says "100% Vegeterian Fed!" understand that is a sick chicken. Chickens need adequate protein from worms and insects. Grains that fatten chickens up with end up with a higher omega-6 fatty acid content that will inflame your body and potentially make you sick. 

Pasture-raised eggs have a larger space to graze and are considered Premiere Chicken Quality. Free-Range is still acceptable. Cage-Free and 100% Vegetarian Fed are not acceptable for a Deflame Diet.

In comparison to a conventional egg, pasture-raised eggs contain:

  • 1/3 less cholesterol

  • 1/4 less saturated fat

  • 2/3 more Vitamin A

  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids

  • 3 times more Vitamin E

  • 7 times more beta carotene

  • Increased levels of Vitamin D by as much as 6 times more than conventional eggs! due to significant sunlight exposure

  • Higher levels of folic acid, and Vitamin C

    • Must be from all the grass they’re eating!

  • The hens that have laid these eggs are raised in the most humane and caring environment we know

  • The eggs that they reward us with are the healthiest for you.

    • Happy hens lay the healthiest eggs!

Wild Caught Fish


Wild caught fish eat algae and other fish. They contain a higher omega-3 fatty acid content compared to farm-raised fish. Farm-raised fish are traditionally fed corn and soybean to "Fatten them up faster."

Purchasing Produce: Research

Pro Tip: Cook Your Meat in Bulk

Make your life easier, and just cook a few meals worth of meat.
It's okay to microwave, and to throw it back onto a pan to reheat.
What's not okay is getting tired of cooking and opting to buy something cheap for your body and then it sets you back.
Be Proactive, make sure you have meat already dethawed by the time you want to prepare.
Prepping vegetables does not take nearly as long to make, which is why it is not as necessary to prep for the entire week as it is with meat. It could make your life easier if you do it though.

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Washing Your Vegetables

You may have noticed that in some of the recipes regarding avocados, I referenced washing the avocado skins with soap. This is because you do not want to exterior bacteria to penetrate into the avocado that you will be consuming. 

When washing vegetables, rinse the leaves thoroughly. I recommend drying them with paper towels to extend the shelf life, and refrigerating after drying. 


Organic Fruit

Buying organic is essential when buying fruits. Fruit are more susceptible to absorbing pesticides compared to other cellulose vegetables.

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A2/A2 Dairy Produce

Genetically Bred cattle that produce the A2 Beta-casein protein exclusively to make milk, cheese, and creams!

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Purchasing Produce: Research
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