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Quit Nicotine Guide

Addiction is Believing in the Lie of Moderation to Legitimize Unhealthy Dietary Habits.

Quitting nicotine is the real deal. Typically, nicotine is encompassed by two addictions: The addiction to nicotine and smoking. Smoking addiction is composed of the act of inhalation, as well as the chemical addiction to the paper and filter. 

The best way to quit for good is to literally PICK A DAY on the calendar and prepare to quit on this day no matter what. This is YOUR day. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, or next week, or next month, just pick a day and stick to it. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for your quit date. 

This guide is meant to gauge your mind to kick the habit and addiction for good. I recommend taking a day off of work your first day, you will feel extremely irritable. Friday may be the best day, as the first three days are absolute hell, but the sensation shall pass.

My quit day was March 19th, 2018. It was by far one of the most difficult days of my life, but I am so grateful and proud of myself for being able to resist the relentless temptation to go back into my addiction. Resisting the temptation becomes very easy over time, but I will always be addicted to nicotine. Addiction does not go away, you just learn to survive with it.


Preparation for Your Date to Recovery

Before my quit date, I used to smoke a cigarette and say I'd quit, every day, for 10 years. It was only until I picked a date and stuck to it when I realized I never wanted to go through the withdrawals ever again. 

Luckily for you, nicotine cessation herbs may provide mild relief. The compound L-Theanine contained in HPA Balance (found in the Medicine Cabinet) helps to reduce stress and calm the mind, so you can consistently make the decision to resist and NEVER GO BACK. This is a one-way ticket out of addiction, DO NOT look back, move forward. 

Prior to your quit date, ensure that you have the correct supplements, prepared meals, and detoxification methods in place ready for your recovery. Use HPA Balance twice per day for nicotine cessation, to relax, and to reduce stress. CBD Oil also aids in relaxation, sleeping, and stress relief throughout the day. Add Sleep Complete in the evening with HPA Balance to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and improve recovery time to relieve stress. Also consider buying Chlorella for improved detoxification.

Release all doubts and worries, allow Jesus to forgive you of your troubled past and let go of expectations. You are ready the moment you decide you can do it. Stick to the date, be prepared.


Detoxification to Fight Withdrawals

Once you start on your date, do not go back. You are moving forward with no regrets. The first day is the worst. You will feel irritable, and may not treat others well. Detox with Chlorella, the most potent detoxification supplement on the market. Consider taking two servings early in the day, or 30 tablets, punch out the toxins as quickly as possible. Drink tea with turmeric and ginger, as this will aid in flushing out toxins from your system. The HPA Balance may make you feel drowsy, which is a good thing! Go to bed, sleep off the withdrawals.

Day 2: You will feel exhausted. Push through and stay focused on the goal. Day 3: Perhaps the worst day. This is typically the make or break day. Stay strong, PRAY to Jesus, He will help guide you and alleviate the suffering.

Day 4 & 5: You will notice the withdrawals will begin to dissipate. Be easy on yourself, you will feel tired, but you can probably function with a little more energy by now. Stay focused. 

Day 6 & 7: Withdrawals symptoms will begin to subside. You win. Never look back and suffer like that again. Let it be a painful reminder of who you used to be, and never return to being that person again trapped by a substance.  

Welcome to Recovery. 


Jesus to Release The Shackle

Allow Jesus to release you of who you used to be to make room for the better version of yourself. Reclaim God's Rainbow! And let it be a friendly reminder of God's Grace. It always comes full circle, and a diet that starts at Church will provide you with abundant spiritual, physical, and mental health that will last a lifetime. We are already blessed by our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our savior, and through Him, anything is possible.

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